The Story of the E-Learning Storyboard – Part 2

In part 1 of this blog post, I gave you a brief history and background of the storyboard. In this part, I'll talk about the popular storyboard formats and the steps for creating an effective storyboard. I shall end the post with my top tips on storyboarding. Popular Storyboard Formats Today, the two most common storyboards formats in the industry are … Continue reading The Story of the E-Learning Storyboard – Part 2

The Story of the E-Learning Storyboard – Part 1

When I entered the e-learning industry, the concept of the storyboard fascinated me. Here was a document filled with graphics, dialogues and instructions that formed the crux of the entire e-learning development process. I quickly figured out that the storyboard is the most important tool of an instructional designer. If an ID has carefully conceived … Continue reading The Story of the E-Learning Storyboard – Part 1

Instructional design… so what is it that you do?

“What do you do?” I’m asked. “I am an Instructional Designer (ID)”, I murmur, patiently anticipating the inevitable part 2 of the question. Part 2 is usually one of the following: “Err… what does that exactly mean?”, “Instruction what?”, or worse “Industrial designer?” Over time, I have invented half a dozen responses to the all-too-familiar … Continue reading Instructional design… so what is it that you do?